Wednesday 18 October 2017

Binary Options Watchdog Virnetx Gabriel

Frecuentemente actualizado Black-List de opciones binarias estafas Tiempo estimado de lectura: 7 minutos No hay daño hecho cuando nosotros (legítimos operadores de opciones binarias) exponen a aquellos que están tratando de hacer el mercado sucio e insoportable para todos. Los principiantes en la industria fácilmente ceden a este tipo de estafas y nuestro objetivo es eliminar totalmente y posiblemente acabar con ellos exponiendo sus lados oscuros para que cada nivel de comerciante tendrá información de primera mano sobre cómo funcionan estas estafas de opciones binarias. Hay muchos corredores legítimos de las opciones binarias hacia fuera allí así como una mano por completo de los corredores de la estafa y de los servicios falsos de la señal. Estos falsos corredores y servicios de señal están tratando de arruinar la buena reputación que la gente tiene sobre la industria prometiendo bonificaciones para la boca (para los corredores) y beneficios inimaginables y devoluciones (para los servicios de señal) cuando se une a su tren. Lista de los corredores de opciones binarias Scam. (No se registra una cuenta con cualquiera de ellos) y la lista de falsos proveedores de señales / servicios (no suscribirse o unirse a cualquiera de ellos) Hercules Profit Pro Binario Boom Rock The Stock Millionaires Blueprint Método Aussie El método de Fisher Cash Code Society Of Millionaires Sistema de los beneficios extremos Binary Hijack Simon8217s Replicador Sistema Inicio Online Earners Mi Negocio en Línea Días de Mil Dólares Push Button Commiions 100M Club Chrissy8217s Invitar Automático Cash Signals Asegurado Beneficios Tokio Bot Bienvenido Trader Legal Insider Bot El 100K Club El 1 Por ciento Club El Método Fisher Rock The Stock The Código de efectivo de la sociedad privada La robusteza de la acción de Apple Mi negocio en línea Millonario de la utilidad de automóvil Ganancias binarias diarias V7 La sociedad secreta Oz Robot Método de oro del ganso Robot de la materia del caos binario Binary Redemption Robot binario suizo Robot Secreto Secreto 2014 Millionaire Lanzamiento Crisis Asesino Desierto Millonario Ataraxia 7 500k Proyecto Fast Income App Insiders Club Diario Beneficios Binarios Sistema de dinero gratis AutoOptionsBot AlgoTradingPro Club de Riqueza Rápida Al Bot Profit Beneficios Garantizados Binary Pilot Binary Money Maker Tokyo Bot Beneficio Profit App Magnetic Beneficios Secret Millionaire Aplicación Instant Trading Beneficios Fast Income Pro Auto Beneficios Binarios Instant Beneficios Método El ricos comerciante Privado Riqueza Círculo Auto Binary Signals Riesgo Ingresos TradeSniper El Binary Insider 100in60 GetRichInSeconds ¿Por qué todas estas estafas Como el método de opciones binarias de comercio es todavía bastante nuevo , Se ha convertido en un terreno fértil para que los estafadores prosperen. Esto se debe a que muchas personas tienen poco o ningún conocimiento previo sobre cómo funciona las opciones binarias comerciales y caen tan fácilmente en los productos fraudulentos. Siendo más en número que los corredores reales y servicios de señal, también es relativamente simple para cualquier novato caer en estas estafas. Opciones binarias está ganando popularidad día a día y la oposición it8217s, el mercado de divisas se está reduciendo a medida que pasa el tiempo (ver imágenes a continuación). Por lo tanto, es por eso que podemos ver más fraudes pop-up cada día en nicho de opciones binarias en lugar de Forex. Muchos comerciantes han caído inconscientemente en las manos de los corredores de la estafa o de los servicios de la señal todo en el nombre de las opciones binarias rentables8221. No importa el tipo de corredor, todos ellos requieren que el depósito para iniciar el comercio, pero sólo los corredores legítimos le permitirá retirar sus fondos sin ningún estrés. El agente de estafa hace casi todo lo que un corredor legítimo haría con el fin de satisfacer a sus clientes, excepto por supuesto, durante la retirada de los fondos. Una forma segura de detectar estafas de opciones binarias es realizar una búsqueda en línea en cualquier motor de búsqueda con las palabras clave 8220Company nombre scam8221 o 8220Commerce nombre reviews8221 sin comillas. Lea tantas revisiones y testimonios como sea posible de varios clientes expresando sus puntos de vista sobre la compañía en diferentes sitios de revisión antes de comprar cualquier software binario o depositar fondos en cualquier corredor. Otras cualidades menores que pueden ayudarle a sospechar que la Compañía en cuestión son: General: Falta de buen soporte al cliente Diseño de sitio web de baja calidad Testimonios de videos sospechosos Sitio web no asegurado (es decir, ausencia de sitio web certificado SSL) No regulado por organizaciones conocidas Boca-riego Explicaciones de los puntos anteriores: Muchas veces, los corredores de estafa y servicios de señal no ofrecen servicio al cliente profesional y dedicatoria como uno real haría. Esto es razonable porque están en línea para luchar y ganar su dinero duramente ganado sin darle nada valioso a cambio. Sin embargo, a veces, en algunas ocasiones, otros corredores de estafa pueden ser hiperactivos en cuestiones relacionadas con el cliente y los problemas y tratar de resolverlos para obtener la confianza del comerciante que más tarde resultará en el comerciante depositar fondos para el comercio. El servicio al cliente puede ser a través de llamadas telefónicas, chat en vivo o sistemas de tickets. Las compañías falsas suelen publicar tutoriales de vídeo falsos de personas que hablan de cómo hicieron miles de dólares con un software en particular. Esto es muy común con la mayoría de las opciones binarias señal de proveedor de servicios de estafas. Hey Estamos tratando con dinero aquí y Clients8217 fondos deben ser protegidos. Aunque es raro, algunos estafadores miserables pueden no ser capaces de asegurar su sitio web de la empresa mediante la compra de certificados SSL costosos para el sitio. Esto significa que los fondos de Clients8217 e información personal no son seguros y por lo tanto los ciberdelincuentes pueden tener acceso fácilmente a ellos sin ninguna restricción. Para saber si un sitio en particular es seguro, busque en la barra de direcciones y asegúrese de que la url del sitio comienza con 8220https8221 y no 8220http8221 como vería para google. No sólo esto, los sitios que tratan con dinero debe tener una barra verde adicional en el campo de dirección, además de la 8220https8221. Esto garantiza la máxima seguridad y gran experiencia del usuario. Compruebe si el Broker está regulado por organismos como CySec, CFTC, FSA, ASIC e. t.c. Si cualquier corredor de opciones binarias no está regulado, es un signo fuerte de que podría estar tratando con un falso. Los bonos son buenos, pero hasta cierto punto. Por lo general, estos corredores falsos utilizan incentivos como 200 bonos de depósito, bonificación de 500 y otros bonos 8220to bueno para ser true8221 para atraer a nuevos clientes en su plataforma. Tenga cuidado con este tipo de incentivos, ya que parecen muy sospechosas. Cuando encuentre este tipo de bonos, realice una investigación en línea exhaustiva sobre la Compañía para verificar completamente la legitimidad del programa. Aunque es muy raro, algunas empresas estafas en la industria de opciones binarias pueden usar un sitio web muy mal construido para representar a su empresa. Esto debería hacer que investigue más sobre el programa. Problemas relacionados con el dominio están en la minoría de los casos, por lo tanto, no debe utilizar esto para juzgar plenamente si una empresa es estafa o no. Les mencioné para hacerles saber que factores como Alexa Rankings muy bajos, nuevo nombre de dominio y edad deberían hacer que sospechas de ese sitio. Mejores recomendaciones: Don8217t Deposite más de lo que puede permitirse perder con cualquier corredor. Siempre comience con la cantidad mínima que el corredor recomienda para no perder mucho suponiendo que iban a ser estafa. Siempre investigue en línea para un corredor en particular o servicio de señal antes de unirse. Incluso si su comercio es bueno y usted está haciendo buenas ganancias, siempre hacer una prueba de retirada antes de depositar más fondos. Esto es para verificar la credibilidad del corredor. No compre ningún software de señal de opciones binarias sin estar seguro de que el producto realmente funciona. Por favor, siempre visite esta página para encontrar la lista actualizada de productos fraudulentos en el mercado. Si un programa parece demasiado bueno para ser verdad, realice más investigaciones para verificar la autenticidad del programa. No divulgue su número de seguro social ni ninguna otra información confidencial como correo electrónico de PayPal y contraseña a personas desconocidas, incluso si fueron solicitadas por la propia empresa. Lógicamente, debe huir de los sitios reclamando que podría hacer hasta 1 millón por día de comercio de opciones binarias Si ha sido estafado y tiene pruebas para demostrar que no recibió los servicios prometidos por el proveedor, puede presentar una disputa en contra de ellos Con PayPal o su compañía de tarjeta de crédito dependiendo del método de pago. Si conoce algún Producto, Broker o Software de la Escala de Opciones Binarias, háganoslo saber en la sección de comentarios a continuación. Si le gustaría recibir notificaciones cuando este blog se actualiza, suscribirse a continuación. Comentarios La última actualización sobre las actividades fraudulentas perpetradas por Michael Freeman: Recientemente ha lanzado una serie de nuevos videos en YouTube, con el mismo viejo coro de alabanzas publicadas por la misma vieja y heterogénea multitud de lacayos pagados, afiliados y principalmente sus propios alias. Es el mismo aceite de serpiente envasado en diferentes botellas llamativas. Cualquier persona, excepto los idiotas purblind, puede ver a través del fraude de un vistazo. Simplemente pregúntele una simple pregunta: Si sus señales falsas están haciendo tan bien, haciendo que todos sus seguidores cientos de miles de dólares a la semana, ¿por qué se molestó en vender otras estafas scammers, especialmente Gold Digger, que tiene una tasa de éxito de menos de 20, como he pagado para averiguar por mí mismo que hace que uno se pregunte. Este conman y fraude no se detendrá ante nada para robar dinero de gente honesta, trabajadora y confiada. Una actualización sobre el proveedor de señales falsas Gold Digger. Después de un montón de molestias y aburrimiento, finalmente tuve acceso a la tierra prometida de su Área de Miembros, y, para mi decepción, encontré sus señales de lo peor de todas las señales comerciales que he probado. Sólo tuve tres operaciones exitosas de más de una docena de operaciones Los resultados coinciden con los de Mikes Auto Trader los dos podrían estar en un acabado de la foto para la peor carrera de proveedores de señales. Como mencioné antes, estos dos estafadores parecían haber formado una asociación en el crimen: Gold Digger usó la recomendación falsa de Michael Freemans como un sello de aprobación del perro guardián más reverenciado, que resulta ser uno de los más bajos delincuentes y fraude, y el último Muestra descaradamente Gold Diggers enlace de suscripción de membresía en sus comentarios, con el fin de obtener algunas comisiones de afiliados. De alguna manera, ahora ya no pienso que es simplemente un matrimonio de conveniencia, sino más bien un complot preconcebido para engañar y robar a los vulnerables, crédulos y nave. Volvamos al comienzo de esta alianza de sinvergüenzas. Poco después de que Gold Digger fue lanzado, el Watchdog lo acusó gratuitamente como una estafa, y un comentario se quejó de que el perro no debería haber hecho tal juicio sin haberlo probado primero, luego el perro se disculpó y prometió probarlo para obtener una imagen más clara. Dichos diálogos ficticios parecen ser uno de los trucos sucios frecuentemente usados ​​por Michael Freeman, alias el Watchdog. Poco después, el perro creó un sitio web específicamente acerca de Gold Digger: Gold Digger es una estafa: a menos que se demuestre lo contrario, en la que todo lo que puede encontrar es un coro de alabanza sin un solo comentario negativo que lleva en sí el sello de Michael Freeman: La eliminación de cualquier comentario ligeramente negativo. Con toda probabilidad, se trata de una trama cuidadosamente elaborada y desarrollada por dos ladrones para seducir al público a hacer depósitos con sus corredores recomendados, algunos de los cuales están en la lista negra en muchos sitios de revisión, con el fin de obtener comisiones de ellos. No es de extrañar incluso sus corredores advirtieron que Gold Digger no funcionará. En retrospectiva, ciertamente hay un elemento de verdad en él. Decidí publicar esta revelación para el beneficio de los comerciantes en general, por lo que no tienen que perder su dinero duramente ganado para descubrir este fraude por sí mismos. A veces un nuevo proveedor de señales o robot ha atrapado la industria binaria por la tormenta, pero, cuando se rasca más profundo, usted encontrará la putrefacción y descubrir el estafador detrás de la máscara. Gold Digger es un buen ejemplo. A pesar de todos los comentarios brillantes publicados por los comerciantes, la mayoría de los cuales ahora sospecho que son comentarios falsos o publicado por sus compinches, empleados o afiliados. Así es como la estafa se perpetra. Su formulario de registro le muestra tres sencillos pasos para activar su licencia de software. Pero nunca pude pasar el tercer paso simple de 8220funding su cuenta 8221 con uno de sus corredores recomendados (en realidad, por lo general sólo hay un corredor, tomarlo o dejarlo). Mi propia experiencia es que después de un depósito se hizo con su corredor recomendado, no recibí ningún correo electrónico de ellos que contiene los detalles de inicio de sesión para entrar en su área members8217, como se prometió. Después de que hice el tercer depósito con un tercer corredor recomendar por ellos, al fin recibí el tan esperado correo electrónico que contiene los detalles de inicio de sesión. Sin embargo, cuando intenté iniciar sesión con esos detalles, aparece una ventana que me insta a activar mi cuenta haciendo un depósito con otro de sus corredores recomendados. Ahora mi sospecha creció porqué después de que mi cuenta fue activada y los detalles de la conexión proporcionados, me pidieron abrir otra cuenta con otro corredor Entonces el penique cayó: lo que están haciendo es llevarle por la nariz para abrir tantas cuentas como sea posible con Como muchos corredores como sea posible, para que puedan obtener tantas comisiones de afiliados como sea posible estoy aún más convencido de sus trucos fraudulentos, porque he enviado más de una docena de correos electrónicos a sus muchas direcciones de correo electrónico, buscando una explicación y pidiendo ayuda, pero Hasta ahora no he escuchado una sola palabra de ellos. Tanto por su excelente equipo de apoyo Además, ahora se han asociado con un notorio, descarado canalla y el perro guardián falso, Michael Freeman, usarlo es una autoridad infalible para dar credibilidad a su propio software basura. Como dice el refrán, los pájaros de la misma pluma se reúnen Así que los comerciantes se cuidan don8217t se deje engañar por los numerosos y omnipresentes comentarios favorables publicados en todo el Internet Gracias por este comentario y exponer tanto el Michael Freeman y las actividades sucias de Gold digger software. Val recientemente publicado8230Phoenix Trading Scam: Spelling Disaster para un comerciante La metodología de un scammer poco sucio, Michael Scumbag Freeman: Es bastante simple, realmente. He8217ll bombo su basura con las reclamaciones groseramente exageradas con el fin de atraer a depositar con uno de sus corredores recomendados, de quien he8217ll obtener una comisión de grasa después, you8217ll todo su dinero de comercio con sus señales dud. Este método es utilizado por casi todos los estafadores. Sin embargo, a diferencia de los otros, éste es más astuto y tortuoso. Ha creado muchos sitios web con diferentes nombres, tales como Watchdog, revisor, etc para hablar a sí mismo y cantar su propio elogio que incluso ha ido tan lejos como cambiar el contenido de comentarios desfavorables a favorables. Justo lo bajo que puede llegar un canalla hundido Hace una maravilla Nikos Apostolou dice Hello Val, quiero preguntarle si conoce el Dow Jones Focus Group de Equinox (dowfocusgroup), porque he leído comentarios muy positivos para este Robot. ¿Es otra estafa? Aprecio mucho su opinión. Gracias. Sí, sabemos del nuevo producto. We8217re todavía está probando el producto ahora 8211 si trabaja, lanzaremos una revisión positiva en él pero si doesn8217t, 8217we8217ll lectores de valforex para evitar el software. Gracias. Val recientemente posted8230Bollinger Bands Trading Strategy Tengo algo de dinero en Bigoptions es este un buen sitio que he perdido tanto con Banc DeBinary, Big Option y OptionsFM es una locura. Todos pasan por la misma línea de la historia con usted para conseguir que usted ponga el dinero adentro, después ganan algo para usted y después lo pierden todo y piden más y lo hacen tantas veces como pueden conseguirle para dar todo usted tener. No he tenido suerte en absoluto para conseguir un corredor de comercio para mí. No quiero comerciar quiero que alguien cambie para mí como un corredor real. ¿Sabes alguno en quien puedo confiar y quién tiene clientes reales para los que él está ganando dinero y yo podría hablar con Vincenzina Urzia dice que es la ruptura iseebinary una estafa o es legítimo Williams Shade dice que he estado negociando con 24Options. He depositado 120.000 USD con ellos. También hice mucho y luego tuve algunas pérdidas, pero fue recuperado fácilmente, cuando me ascendieron a un mejor grupo comercial. Ahora tengo 460.000 en mi cuenta y continúo comerciando con ellos. Sugeriría que si usted necesita ser éxito en comercio usted puede entrarme en contacto con. ¿Necesita un experto comerciante binario para operar con o trabajar con. No es una suerte que primero debe entender las tendencias en el comercio binario perfectamente No dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo podría ser capaz de compartir con usted mi sistema rentable que ha sido capaz de obtener me accurates oficios de 97 señales, mientras que también hacer victorias de 7 -8 diariamente adquiriendo hasta 390 diarios. Mis registros comerciales también están allí para pruebas de contacto conmigo. Su sitio muy bueno. Este es sitio útil. Maravilloso artículo. Felicitaciones. La mejor parte de ella es lo que usted dice sobre el éxito. Es más centrarse en servir a la gente mediante la solución de sus necesidades. Permítanme añadir que no hay otro camino al éxito que éste. Con respecto a Vincenzina Urzia dice Hi George. I8217m lo siento decir, pero lo que usted dijo acerca de la opción grande it8217s no es cierto. El robot no produce una tasa ganadora de 80. Tengo una cuenta con ellos y el robot perdió la mayor parte de mi dinero. La opción grande ofrece pagos tan altos como 85 por el comercio estándar así como la industria que lleva 74 en opciones a corto plazo. Usted puede manejar posiciones con características comerciales tales como vender temprano, doblar para arriba y rodar encima. Tienen una academia de negociación completa con videos a pedido, un curso video binario especial y un eBook libre para la transferencia directa. También puede recibir un entrenamiento personalizado uno a uno. La plataforma avanzada tiene muchas vistas comerciales diferentes y gráficos para mejorar la experiencia comercial. BigOption ofrece un Robot de Auto Trading exclusivo que produce una tasa de ganancias de más de 80. Abra una cuenta en Big Option y obtenga un bono de hasta 200 o hasta 20 operaciones sin riesgo. El comercio binario es fácil si usted sabe leer las tendencias O tengo una muy buena estrategia, hoy doy gracias a Dios que he sido capaz de obtener la mejor estrategia y han enseñado a tantas personas que se han beneficiado de mi trade. Teaching otros para tener éxito es mi alegría Todavía, gracias a ustedes por la Los regalos de la apreciación y también soy un testimonio vivo que realmente lo aprecio, gracias a todos ustedes que todavía necesitan mi ayuda Póngase en contacto conmigo en mi personal mailemail160protected Muchos de ustedes podrían haber ido a la quiebra debido a la negociación binaria También perdí mucho dinero trading binario , Pero gracias a Dios por la estrategia y el sistema estoy usando ahora que me está trayendo mucho dinero y soy capaz de hacer más de 25 personas ricas, haciendo hasta 97 signos diarios, mientras que también puede obtener hasta 7-8 victorias diarias Desea que esta increíble estrategia no dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo en mi correo personal :: email160protected. Recuerde que lo mejor solo tiene que demostrar que él mismo no dice mucha información muy agradable que compartió. Muy buena lista de binarias opción scams. thanx para esta útil información compartida. Gracias por su pregunta. Como Royal Binario sigue siendo una empresa nueva, no puedo hablar por ellos ahora porque no tienen suficiente reputación y / o popularidad, lo que significa que uno apenas puede decir sus intenciones de entrar en el mercado porque no tienen suficientes clientes en este momento que pueden mostrar Sus testimonios sobre la empresa Royal-Binary. Mi consejo es, para estar en el lado más seguro, usted tiene que evitar tales nuevas marcas hasta que alcancen suficiente credibilidad y confianza de los comerciantes. Mientras que esto está en la tierra, sugiero que se registre y el comercio con sólo los corredores conocidos que pueden hacer su experiencia comercial una buena, un corredor que won8217t dude en proporcionar todo el apoyo que necesita con su plataforma y procesará fácilmente su retiro cuando Usted lo pide. El ejemplo de tales corredores es binario o OptionTime, ambos regulados y bien conocidos en la industria de opciones binarias. What8217s tu opinión / comentario sobre BossCapital ¿Es una buena plataforma para el comercio de sí. BossCapital es un buen corredor de comercio con un montón de características en su plataforma. También aceptan clientes estadounidenses. Puede leer más sobre BossCapital y sus ofertas de bonos aquí. Val recientemente posted8230 Las 3 consideraciones más importantes al negociar opciones binarias Como un Novato, ¿podría yo preguntar dónde debo comenzar a aprender sobre las opciones binarias y similares para hacer un beneficio que veo como hacer una conjetura educada de acuerdo con los patrones vistos en la tendencia Lines8230 Fuimos rookies una vez en este campo. Muchos corredores ofrecen recursos educativos para aquellos que don8217t saben cómo negociar opciones binarias o para novatos como usted ha dicho. Una vez you8217re registrado en BossCapital. Puede solicitar un recurso educativo gratuito de su administrador de cuentas personal y se le dará gustosamente. Incluso sin preguntar, saben que es su trabajo agarrar su mano y demostrarle paso a paso el método de negociar opciones binarias con éxito. También, usted es libre de asistir a sus webinars semanales / mensuales gratis para aprender cómo maximizar sus beneficios con el corredor. Espero que esto ayude En esta página usted ha enumerado Cedar Finance como estafa, pero usted ha listado Cedar Finance en la lista enorme de todos los corredores de opciones binarias acreditados y totalmente regulados. Así que cuál es verdad Gracias por identificar un error tan costoso. Ese artículo fue editado por última vez por mi co-autor. Todos los corredores falsos han sido removidos ahora. Usted está libre de comprobar de nuevo y gracias por dejar un comentario Val recientemente posted82303 Formas de ganar dinero con las opciones binarias de comercio como un principiante Deja un comentario Cancelar respuesta Cuando se entra en el comercio, se necesita algún tiempo para desarrollar un comando sobre el comercio diferente estrategias. Ahora, cuando usted es un nuevo comerciante, entonces el mejor enfoque es ir lento y ir con la estrategia de negociación. El análisis técnico es perfectamente adecuado para el comercio de opciones binarias basadas en ciertas categorías de activos subyacentes. Obviamente, hay activos por ahí que se negocian mejor con análisis fundamental sólido. NnPrivate Signals Grupo ReviewnnAboutnnPrivate Signals Group es principalmente un servicio de señales de opciones binarias lanzado en 2017 en respuesta a la creciente demanda de señales comerciales de alta calidad. Está alimentado por binario. Pasando por los fundamentos, el análisis técnico es donde la mayoría de los comerciantes opción binaria será capaz de generar las ventajas lo suficientemente grandes como para aumentar su tasa de ganancias lo suficiente para que la tierra en territorio rentable. John Anthony Signals ReviewnnnnHi Guys John Anthony Signals es la creación de nada menos que John Anthony. Este comerciante de la carrera teamed para arriba con varios consejeros técnicos y lanzó con éxito su op binario. El oscilador estocástico es un componente importante de todas las opciones adecuadas de comercio del sistema por ahí. Empleo personalmente el oscilador estocástico en una serie de sistemas diferentes que he desarrollado para optio binario. Debido a la naturaleza misma de los mercados, independientemente de la fortaleza de una tendencia dada en un precio de activo, los retracements son siempre partes de la ecuación. Retracciones ocurren por una razón muy lógica: no importa lo rápido que sea. Aunque últimamente me he centrado en los sistemas de comercio binario opción que arent 100, purebred gráfico basado en patrones, y que son por lo tanto más adecuado para los principiantes, siento que es hora de volver a la cha. NnBinary Options Estrategia que funciona desde 2008 Las opciones binarias han estado disponibles para el público en general desde 2008, pero sólo han ganado impulso real en los últimos años, con más gente recientemente tomando conciencia de ello. Neosignals Review nnNeosignals es un proveedor de servicios de señales binarias que le permite recibir señales de comercio directamente en su desktop. n Usted puede elegir entre una gama de proveedores de señal (que cobran un montón de esfuerzo para ganar dinero con opciones binarias o simplemente quieren hacer más Dinero Opciones binarias Pro Signals proporciona a los usuarios notificaciones en tiempo real que muestran una señal de alta probabilidad Rentable, lentamente rnnnn ¿Cuáles son las cualidades de las buenas opciones binarias proveedores de señales en el comercio, las señales proporcionará a los comerciantes con una previsión de un activo Que les permite juzgar el comportamiento de los activos. Hay señales. Considerando la naturaleza de la negociación de opciones binarias, aquellos que operan sin un sistema probado y probado nunca tienen la oportunidad de generar beneficios a largo plazo y consistentes. Sin duda, el corto plazo La variación puede recompensar parte de la volatilidad en el mercado comercial es inevitable, sin embargo a menudo evitado por los comerciantes cuando en realidad debe ser recibido con un enfoque más positivo. Aunque la volatilidad puede presentar grandes pérdidas puede presentar. Para tener éxito en el comercio de divisas, debe elegir un corredor que sea transparente, fiable y seguro. Encontrar un corredor con todas las tres cualidades no es tan fácil. Para ayudarle a tomar decisiones correctas e imparciales, lo revisamos. Yasrvisitorvotes sizelargenn nnnnSignals365 ReviewnnSignals365 es un servicio profesional de las señales binarias del servicio lanzado en diciembre de 2014 que proporciona 100 señales por día en un inter de las señales intuitivas. NnEl sistema de límites está un poco alejado de la senda trillada, especialmente teniendo en cuenta las estrategias / sistemas de negociación que hemos cubierto hasta aquí. La razón de su peculiaridad es que a diferencia de la mayoría de los otros bi probado. El análisis fundamental es la interpretación de varios informes estadísticos e indicadores económicos. Mide cosas tales como cambios en las tasas de interés, la inflación y los informes de empleo, lo que puede ayudar a pr. NnMarketsGear ReviewnnProviding señales precisas de comercio a través de los principales mercados para animar la relación inversión-éxito, el equipo de analistas de MarketsGear se esfuerza por hacer la experiencia comercial lo más rentable posible. Mercado. NnOptiions Signal Service ReviewnnSo He estado negociando con Optiions desde hace bastante tiempo. No he escrito una revisión hasta ahora porque realmente quería estar seguro de que están en el up-and-up. Para begi. Artículos destacados08.02.16 SteamOS y Steam Big Picture todavía no se incluyen en la encuesta y se trata de una encuesta manual, por lo que no se incluye en ella a menos que obtenga la ventana emergente solicitando que envíe sus datos. Marek Olk en AMD continúa optimizando el driver RadeonSI Gallium3D para ofrecer un rendimiento de juego Linux mucho mejor cuando se utiliza este código de código abierto de gráficos AMD. Para aquellos que utilicen el controlador RadeonSI para tarjetas gráficas AMD, es posible que les interese saber que un desarrollador llamado Marek ha enviado parches para mejorar significativamente el rendimiento de Bioshock Infinite. Faeria es el juego de estrategia basado en cartas extremadamente genial en el que se construye el tablero para luchar a medida que avanza. Los desarrolladores han declarado que el lanzamiento gratuito para jugar ocurrirá en septiembre. Actualmente puede comprar por 5,99 o 17,99 (para obtener tarjetas adicionales, avatares y así sucesivamente). Me encanta el juego, creo que es un juego de estrategia basado en cartas bastante singular y me sorprende que más gente lo juegue. Creo que va a ser un éxito masivo cuando vayan gratis para jugar (lo que siempre fue planeado). Oolite 1.84 ha sido recientemente lanzado y trae consigo un nuevo modo de cámara que ayudará a hacer algunas capturas de pantalla impresionantes y otras cosas también. Sí. Has leído bien. Como Linux es conocido por el rendimiento, la estabilidad y la seguridad, pero ahora también es conocido por los juegos. Hay cientos de juegos para Linux y tantos juegos de Windows han sido portados para Linux. Pero tenemos tantas distribuciones de Linux, especialmente desarrolladas para juegos. En este artículo, I8217m va a la lista 6 Best Linux para juegos. Espero que lo disfrutes Ambiente de Escritorio / WMs GNOME Desktop / GTK Esta semana, trabajé en el cliente gnome. Quería vincular mi menú de clic derecho con la vista de llamadas. Eso fue difícil porque el menú de clic derecho es llamado por una señal. Por lo tanto, no tenía acceso a la instancia del menú para enviar mi propia señal. He intentado un montón de cosas para implementar mi señal, pero es simplemente imposible. Entonces descubrí el GAction. Con esta técnica, sólo necesitaba cambiar el estado de mi acción y conectar con mi método en mi opinión y su hecho Red Hat Family Jeffrey Clarke notificado co ha decidido no presentarse a la reelección, informó co de su renuncia de Junta de la compañía 8217s Jankowski se une a IOMAXIS con más de 25 años de experiencia en las áreas de las comunidades militares, federales y de inteligencia. Finanzas Flock es un evento que define Fedora del año. En las líneas que siguen, algunos oradores comparten lo que la conferencia significa para ellos y lo que más esperan. Así que esta es mi primera conferencia Fedora Project Flock. Llegué a Cracovia ayer desde Austin Texas. La gente que puso a Flock juntos hizo un gran trabajo con este evento. Nunca he estado en Cracovia antes, y se comunicaron claramente cómo llegar, que los autobuses / trenes para tomar, cómo comprar entradas, todo. Felicitaciones a ese equipo. Tuve algunas razones para venir a Flock, quería poner algunas caras a los nombres con los que he estado trabajando a lo largo de los años. Quería reunirme con los miembros del grupo de Fedora Cloud en los que he participado, y quería asistir a las sesiones técnicas y ver qué es lo que viene en la distro. Im incapaces de asistir a este rebaño, pero en algún momento me gustaría ver todas las sesiones en línea, pero esto sólo es posible con el ejército de voluntarios que están actualmente en el evento. Si desea participar como voluntario y grabar o transcribir una de las sesiones, entonces visite esta página. Un caso de prueba es un conjunto de escenarios relacionados con combinaciones o situaciones comunes de software. Los casos tienen pasos a seguir y replicar para ver si tiene problemas o errores. Una vez que complete un caso de prueba, puede dar un 1 o -1 karma al caso de prueba en Bodhi. Los casos de prueba son pasos importantes en el proceso de garantía de calidad y ayudan a cubrir casos de uso importantes del sistema operativo. La vida de estos días no me deja tiempo para mucho fuera del trabajo y de la familia. Es curioso cómo las prioridades pueden cambiar tan de repente y drásticamente, todo en un abrir y cerrar de ojos. Pero, hey, esa es la vida. Sin embargo, ocurrió algo interesante. En mi casi hiato de FOSS y Fedora, el upstream para uno de los paquetes que mantengo desaparecido. No quiero decir se convirtió en abandonado o no responde. Quiero decir en realidad y completamente desaparecido. Ver, este proyecto fue alojado en GitHub como un proyecto personal y el desarrollador original fue el único responsable de este proyecto. Lo cual estaba bien, sobre todo porque este individuo era más receptivo que incluso algunos grandes proyectos con un número de empleados que rivalizaba con la mayoría de las empresas medianas. Debian Family Después de ser capaz de arreglar el error Debian 794266 Quiero agradecer a aquellos que hicieron esto posible: Hace algún tiempo mi colega Bjrn me ofreció un Arietta G25. Después de que Jochen, otro colega, me ayudó a soldar cabezas de pin en él, esta máquina sirvió como ordenador host para mis pruebas. Por algunos años no intenté ninguna tarea seria en la nube del Amazonas. Me tomó un poco de tiempo recuperar mis automatismos y adaptarme a los cambios. En particular, las instancias más baratas, t2.nano, sólo son accesibles a través de nubes virtuales privadas (VPC), y fue un poco difícil para mí encontrar cómo crear una simple. Tal vez esto se debe a que todas las cuentas de AWS creadas después del 18 de marzo de 2013, tienen automáticamente un VPC predeterminado, y todos los demás que necesitaban su propio VPC simple lo han creado hace mucho tiempo. Al final, esto no fue complicado en absoluto. Esta es probablemente la razón por la que no pude encontrar un tutorial. El proyecto Tor y el proyecto Debian se han unido para proporcionar servicios Debian y repositorios a través de la red Tor. Debian ha anunciado la existencia de pocos servicios de este tipo en un blog. Derivados Canonical / Ubuntu Hedera es un nuevo paquete de iconos de Linux inspirado en el pasado. En concreto, el proyecto Tango. Nautilus 3.20, y una gran cantidad de aplicaciones GNOME 3.20, se enviará de forma predeterminada en Ubuntu 16.10 8216Yakkety Yak8217, con nuevas versiones ya disponibles para pruebas. Sabores y variantes Linux Mint 18 es una versión de soporte a largo plazo que será compatible hasta 2021. Viene con software actualizado y aporta refinamientos y muchas nuevas características para hacer que su escritorio sea aún más cómodo de usar. Teléfonos Android James Ramey, el presidente de CodeWeavers publicado en su cuenta personal de Facebook anteriormente que una versión beta de CrossOver Android podría ser lanzado tan pronto como el lunes 1 de agosto de 2016. CodeWeavers ha estado trabajando en su versión Android y Chromebook de CrossOver por más de un año ahora. La larga espera es sobre la gente, si alguna vez soñó con ejecutar Microsoft Windows Games o la aplicación de productividad en su dispositivo Android pronto será posible. IT8217S UN DÍA EMOCIONANTE para un número muy pequeño de personas. Después de meses de un entorno de prueba no muy fiable en el canal de desarrollo para algunos Chromebooks seleccionados, las aplicaciones de Android están disponibles a partir de hoy para algunos Chromebooks seleccionados. It8217 todavía está en la previsualización del desarrollador, así que espera una gran cantidad de bichos, pero una versión beta de Chrome OS (Chrome OS beta 53.0.2785.36 desde que usted pide) se hace generalmente estable el mes siguiente, por lo que esto debería ir a las masas pronto. El fabricante chino de teléfonos inteligentes Gionee ha lanzado un dispositivo con un chip de cifrado dedicado que llama 8220equivalente a una caja negra8221 que ofrece la 8220más avanzada8221 protección de datos móviles hasta la fecha. Los expertos que pedimos eran escépticos acerca de las reclamaciones, que al menos demuestran que la mejora de la seguridad se está convirtiendo en un diferenciador en el cada vez más competitivo mercado de teléfonos inteligentes Android de gama alta. Recuerde que el CEO de Google, Sundar Pichai, dijo que los futuros dispositivos de Nexus tendrían una personalidad más prominente cuando se trata de características de software, indicando que tal vez no funcionen Android vainilla como sus predecesores Una nueva serie de fugas indica que Google está trabajando en un montón de marca Nuevas características para los dispositivos 2016 Nexus, incluyendo nuevas aplicaciones de Google y experiencias de lanzador, así como un nuevo conjunto de fondos de pantalla. Cuando IBM se involucró con el proyecto de código abierto de Linux en 1998, estaban apostando que dar su código y tiempo a la comunidad sería una inversión que vale la pena. Ahora, 18 años más tarde, IBM está más involucrada que nunca, con más de 62,000 empleados entrenados y esperados para contribuir a proyectos de código abierto, de acuerdo con Todd Moore, Vicepresidente de Tecnología Abierta en IBM, hablando en ApacheCon en mayo. Se hizo evidente que las fuentes abiertas podían ser los estándares de facto que necesitábamos para ser el motor para salir y conducir cosas, dijo Moore en su discurso de apertura en ApacheCon. Las contribuciones fueron las apuestas que no sabíamos cómo iba a salir, y no sabíamos si el código abierto crecería, sabíamos que habría obstáculos y las cosas que tienen que superar en el camino, pero tenía la promesa. Pensamos que este sería el camino del futuro. Es el sistema de código cerrado en sus últimas piernas Tal vez no sólo todavía, pero estaban muy cerca de ella. Considere el crecimiento fenomenal en los últimos cinco años de nuevas tecnologías y procesos de código abierto, como contenedores, Hadoop y bases de datos como MongoDB, ElasticSearch y Redis. Un conjunto totalmente nuevo de arquitecturas, la mayoría de ellas de código abierto, han surgido, generando nuevos modelos de negocio y ecosistemas robustos. La pila de código abierto y todo lo que genera está conduciendo la fuente cerrada, la pila propietaria hacia la irrelevancia y la inviabilidad económica. Tomemos, por ejemplo, el gran éxito de Docker con contenedores y su ecosistema resultante. Su popularidad es en gran parte resultado de su modelo de código abierto que refleja la ascendencia de los ingenieros de software en la creación y despliegue de software. Y Docker está dando a VMware de código cerrado un dolor de cabeza como resultado. That8217s porque uno de los principales atractivos de software de código abierto es que you8217re no atascado con las características que viene con. En lugar de pagar a una empresa una cuota de licencia por el producto que elige ofrecerle, puede pagar a un desarrollador que tome el código fuente abierto y añada exactamente las características que necesita para que el resultado cumpla exactamente con sus requisitos. Esa teoría es de todos modos, pero es importante recordar que la elección de software no siempre se trata de características y hay ciertas aplicaciones para las que el software de código abierto puede ser la elección equivocada. Eventos Es posible que las redes inalámbricas hayan hecho recientemente la transición de una tecnología de red ubicua a la tecnología de red dominante, al menos desde el punto de vista de los dispositivos de usuario final. Parte de esta tendencia es el uso de inalámbricos en automóviles, y este taller se centrará en el acceso inalámbrico en entornos vehiculares (WAVE), también conocido como IEEE 802.11p. Además, el problema de bufferbloat está empezando a enfocarse en el entorno inalámbrico más difícil, y para ello, este taller discutirá la integración, pruebas y desarrollo de FQ / Codel. Como de costumbre, el taller abarcará la pila 802.11 completa, no sólo las porciones del núcleo, y por lo tanto wpasupplicant también estará en la agenda. Web Browsers Chrome Following the release of Chrome 52 for desktop two weeks ago, Google last week also launched Chrome 52 for Android. For whatever reason, the company didnt share whats new until today. You can download the new version from Google Play. Chrome 52 for Android makes video playback feel smoother, load faster, and consume less battery. More specifically, video playback has been improved for speed and power efficiency, meaning you should expect smoother playback and faster load times (so videos will start playing sooner, instead of pausing briefly before starting). Your Android devices battery should also last longer if you consume a lot of video online. Mozilla Today were proud to announce the initial rollout of multi-process Firefox for Desktop to our general audience. With this, were taking a major step forward in improving Firefox for Desktop. Users should experience a Firefox that is less susceptible to freezing and is generally more responsive to input, while retaining the experience and features that users love. In Firefox 48, we aim to slowly enable multi-process Firefox (also known as Electrolysis or e10s) for release users, starting with one percent and ramping up to nearly half the Firefox Release if things go as expected. e10s promises to offer a major improvement to your browsing experience by separating Web content and Firefox UI processes. This means when a web page is consuming a large part of your computers processing power, your tabs, buttons and menus wont lock up. Wondering if your Firefox instance has enabled e10s Type about:support into the URL bar. If e10s is active, youll see 1/1 (Enabled by default) under the Multiprocess Windows line item. Thats why Ford Foundation and Mozilla launched the Open Web Fellows program two years ago: To empower a network of leaders capable of defending the open web. The Open Web Fellows program places bright technologists and activists on the front lines of the open internet movement. Last year, Ford and Mozilla placed six fellows at leading NGOs like Amnesty International and the ACLU, where they used their tech savvy to fight for issues like freedom of expression and gender equality online. Mozilla Firefox 48 features new security settings, improves WebRTC, and makes it easier to find bookmarked content from the Awesome bar. Firefox 48 takes the first Rust code into production within this web browser, Electrolysis is beginning to be turned on by default, a variety of WebRTC improvements, improved Linux Canvas support, various security improvements, enforcing that add-ons be signed/verified through Mozilla, and more. SaaS/Back End For as long as anyone in the networking world can remember, management of local area networks (LANs) and wide area networks (WANs) has been distinctly different. LANs were primarily the responsibility of local IT departments, while WANs have been made up of MPLS and Internet connections controlled by carriers. Network virtualization (NV) is starting to blur the lines between the LAN and the WAN. Although many people have experience with the fields of machine learning and artificial intelligence through applications in their pockets, such as Apples Siri and Microsofts Cortana, the scope of this technology extends well beyond the smartphone. H2O. ai, formerly known as Oxdata, has carved out a unique niche in the machine learning and artificial intelligence arena because its primary tools are free and open source, and because it is connecting its tools to other widely used data analytics tools. As a case in point, H2O. ai has now announced the availability of version 2.0 of its open Sparkling Water tool. Sparkling Water, H2O. ais API for Apache Spark, allows users of Spark to leverage very powerful machine learning intelligence. Convox might sound like a great name for an industrial toilet cleaner, except it isnt. The name actually belongs to a piece of software (yes, its makers would like us to say platform, but please dont write in) designed to help with deploying, managing and monitoring applications in cloud infrastructures. But there are plenty of tools in that space so, so what Should the Docker container image format be completely standardized Or should Docker not be held back from evolving the format ahead of the open specification This was the topic of a heated Twitter tussle last week between Google evangelist Kelsey Hightower and the creator of the Docker itself, Solomon Hykes. Hightower wants to see the Docker format image be completely standardized, so companies, including Docker, can build additional functionality atop of the specification. Hykes, however, balked at full standardization, asserting that the format is still too new and evolving too quickly. With New Partners, Mesosphere Takes Aim at 8220Container 2.08243 Ed: Do not forget that Mesosphere is controlled by Microsoft (money strings) Databases Pseudo-Open Source (Openwashing) A Rs 38 crore mandate awarded by the Union HRD Ministry in June to an affiliate of Redmond-based Microsoft Corp for developing a flagship web-based education platform is coming under increasing fire in the academic circles both for the manner in which the contract was handed out and on the choice of proprietary software over free open source options already being deployed by premier educational institutions in the country. Microsoft was selected as the technical partner for the HRD ministrys SWAYAM (Study Webs of Active-Learning for Young Aspiring Minds) platform based on the recommendations of a technical committee, presumably after the tendering process for selecting a system integrator for SWAYAM a MOOC or massive open online courses platform floated thrice through the e-procurement platform since November last year failed to elicit any response. While the Ministry of Human Resource Development has cited the decision of a technical committee behind its choice of proprietary software over open source software and that selecting Microsoft does not run foul of the rulebook, the deal has raised eyebrows over the lack of objective criterion on how the decisions were taken in the first place. The choice of proprietary software, entailing costs of Rs 38 crore and more for tools such as SQL (structured query language), is being questioned on the grounds that the selection of proprietary software on payment basis was done despite a clear option of going in for open source platforms such as Open EdX. For instance, Open edX an open-source, not-for profit platform floated by MIT and Harvard University that was released as open source in March 2013 to act as the WordPress for MOOC platforms is used across at least 126 universities and organisations globally. Even more intriguing is the fact that an MoU is already in place between IIT Bombay and edX, under which edX released complete platform code in open source. The signing of the MoU in June 2013 was actually facilitated by the Ministry of HRD. Open source platforms such as Open edX allow users to use plug-ins to expand the core functionality, thereby imparting tremendous flexibility when it comes to scaling up the platform or modify it to suit the specific requirements of a particular college or university. Since January last year, IIT Bombay decided to opt for Open edX and launch a customised version called IITBX as an extended online educational services for the benefit of Indian learners and training workshops for teachers, wherein the premier engineering institute has added significant functionality to the Open edX platform to create and offer MOOCs. Similarly, IIT Madras had a Google-based Course Builder platform ported in their own computer infrastructure while IIT Kanpur had a homegrown platform called MOOKIT, based again on open source software. Black Duck Announces Creation of Global Center for Open Source Research 038 Innovation Ed: A Microsoft proxy declares itself Global Center for Open Source Research 038 Innovation Black Duck Launches Promising Open Source Innovation Center Ed: Microsoft proxy wants to become world authority on Microsofts competitors Openness/Sharing/Collaboration Collaboration can seem intimidating at first. Lo entiendo. Thinking about having to collaborate with others on a project used to give me that same sinking feeling I got every time a teacher announced a group project. When not everyone is invested, the passionate peoplethe ones who understand the importance of the mission and are willing to give their time and effortend up doing twice the amount of work as they carry everyone else along (and I always wanted good grades, so I did a lot of carrying). Open Hardware/Modding Disruption is a basic tenet of the Open Hardware movement. How can my innovative use of technology disrupt your dinosaur of an establishment to make something better Whether its an open-source project chipping away at a monopoly or a commercial start-up upsetting an industry with a precarious business model based on past realities, weve become used to upstarts taking the limelight. Science Billionaire PayPal founder Peter Thiel said that he believes transfusions of blood from young people can reverse his aging process and allow him to live a vastly extended lifespan. Health/Nutrition Health officials in northern Mexico have refused to authorize an abortion for a 13-year-old girl who was raped by a family acquaintance after a judge downgraded the crime to a charge of sexual coercion. Abortion is banned in Sonora, apart from in cases of rape. But human rights advocates say the decision violates federal health regulations introduced earlier this year which guarantee rape victims unrestricted access to safe abortion services regardless of where they live and whether the crime was reported or not. For the first time, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a travel warning for a continental U. S. city, as Miami grapples with a burgeoning Zika outbreak. Florida Gov. Rick Scott announced this week that an additional 10 people in the state have been diagnosed with the mosquito-borne virus, bringing the total to 14. CDC Director Tom Frieden warned pregnant women against traveling to the 8220transmission area8221 and advised people already in the area to take extra precautions against mosquito bites. Federal health officials on Monday advised pregnant women to avoid a Miami neighborhood marking the first time the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has warned against travel to any area within the continental United States as a Zika outbreak in South Florida has led to 10 more local cases spread by mosquitoes. Security Here8217s How Linux Botnet is Crippling the Internet Ed: Based on what Kaspersky is saying, this is just marketing (him trying to sell his snake oil antivirus) Microsoft Windows botnets are at HUNDREDS of MILLIONS, but he conveniently ignores those to tap a growing niche 10 members of Chinas largest hacking group WooYun, including its founder Fang Xiaodun, were arrested last week by Chinese authorities. As this white hat group reported the security flaws in companies for free, the reasons behind the arrest are yet to be disclosed. Interestingly, the arrest was preceded by the demise of the WooYun website. Defence/Aggression Bottom Line Up Front: On August 1, the U. S. conducted airstrikes against Islamic State targets in the Libyan city of Sirte. The airstrikes, requested by the Libyan Government of National Accord, appear to be the beginning of a sustained military campaign. The U. S. has long planned to increase direct military action in Libya to prevent the Islamic State from further entrenching itself along the coast. Libya does not present the same growth potential for the Islamic State as Iraq and Syria, though systemic extremism and lawlessness ensure the group will linger in Libya for years. The ad pierces your consciousness and catches you by surprise. Plastered on the side of King County Metro buses, it hurls you momentarily back in time, to a time when nuclear weapons were an imminent threat to our survival. Or did the era never end The ad sponsored by activists from the Poulsbo-based Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action reads: 20 miles west of Seattle is the largest concentration of deployed nuclear weapons in the U. S. Behind this text is a map, depicting the proximity of Seattle to Naval Base Kitsap, located on the eastern shore of Hood Canal. An estimated 1,344 nuclear warheads are contained in this complex, according to Hans Kristensen, Director of the Nuclear Information Project at the Federation of American Scientists. This is arguably the biggest single concentration of nuclear warheads not only in the U. S. but in the world. The leftist Beirut newspaper al-Safir comments scathingly on the name-change of the Syrian al-Qaeda affiliate, the Nusra Front led by Abu Muhammad al-Julani, to the Syria Conquest Front. Here are some reasons that the name change isnt going to work: 1. Al-Julani got permission from 9/11 mastermind Ayman al-Zawahiri, the leader of old al-Qaeda, to sever public ties with him because, you know, being in a command line to al-Qaeda was a PR problem for the Syrian guerrilla opposition to the Syrian regime. But if you have to get permission from al-Qaeda to change your name, then guess what Youre still al-Qaeda. 2. In the announcement of the name change, as al-Safir points out, there was no explicit renunciation of the ties between al-Julani and al-Qaeda or of the pledge of fealty al-Julani gave al-Zawahiri. (Or I might add, any apology for having hooked up with al-Qaeda, ). He just said that a new organization has been formed that has no relations with any foreign quarter. 47 people were shot in Chicago last weekend without generating headlines elsewhere in the country. Just five years after bombing Libya to dispose of Muammar Gaddafi, the US is now officially bombing the country again, this time against alleged Isis terrorist strongholds that cropped up in the power vacuum created by the last bombing. Its yet another episode of the War on Terror Circle of Life, where the US bombs a country and then funnels weapons into the region, which leads to chaos and the opportunity for terrorist organizations, which then leads more US bombing. Like usual in the Obama administrations wars, there was no congressional vote on the latest airstrikes in Libya and no declaration of war, as required by the constitution. The administration is pinning the legal authority for this military incursion on the 2001 Authorization for Military Force that was meant for Afghanistan and the perpetrators of 9/11, al-Qaida. Isis, of course, didnt exist until years later, and the two groups are now enemies, but those technicalities dont seem to bother the Obama administration, which is continuing to expand US military presence abroad with little to no public input. Environment/Energy/Wildlife/Nature Federal officials are launching a criminal investigation into the 2017 Gold King Mine spill that sent millions of gallons of toxic waste into a Colorado waterway and memorably turned portions of the state8217s 126-mile Animas River orange. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which caused the spill, made the announcement Monday as it sent letters to members of U. S. Congress to update them about the agency8217s own analysis of the spill, according to the Denver Post. EPA8217s Office of the Inspector General (OIG) said the probe, launched by the U. S. Attorney8217s Office, part of the Department of Justice, was 8220based on requests from several members of the House and Senate.8221 Two of Colorados leading critics of natural gas drilling say they didnt know much about fracking until it arrived in their towns. If you had asked me about community rights or fracking, you would have drawn a blank stare, said Clifford Willmeng, board member of the Colorado Community Rights Network and a resident of Lafayette, a town just outside of Boulder. Tricia Olson agrees. Founder and executive director of the grassroots group Coloradans Resisting Extreme Energy Development, Olson began looking into fracking when she learned that it was coming to her neighborhood. She didnt like what she found. Finance Public service broadcasters are implicated in legitimising neoliberal policies in response to political and economic crisis. The coverage of RT, for example, invited Irish viewers to cheer on the forces of technocratic fiscal responsibility. A Dublin court has sent three former senior banking executives to jail for committing 8220sham transactions8221 in an effort to deceive customers and shareholders during the 2008 financial crisis. 8220The trio will be among the first senior bankers globally to be jailed for their role in the collapse of a bank during the crisis,8221 as Reuters reports. Former Anglo Irish Bank executive John Bowe got a two-year sentence, former Irish Life and Permanent chief executive Denis Casey was given a sentence of two years and nine months, and Bowe8217s colleague and former Anglo executive Willie McAteer got three and a half years. Three former bankers were in Mountjoy Prison in Dublin last night after receiving jail sentences for their roles in a 7 billion fraud committed at the height of the banking crisis in 2008. Judge Martin Nolan said the senior executives had taken part in a dishonest, deceitful and corrupt scheme to make Anglo Irish Banks finances look stronger than they were. Former Anglo executive Willie McAteer (65) was sentenced to 3 years while his ex-colleague John Bowe (52) received a two-year term. Denis Casey (56), the former group chief executive of Irish Life and Permanent, was jailed for two years and nine months. The long-abused cafeteria workers of the U. S. Senate, who risked their jobs to fight to earn a living wage only to have the private contractor that runs the cafeteria renege on an order to increase their pay, won a key victory this week. The Labor Department declared that the contractor had engaged in wage theft from 674 of its workers, deliberately misclassifying them so that they would earn less than their actual work entitled them to earn. The contractor also forced employees to do unpaid work off the clock. As a result, the multinational conglomerate Restaurant Associates and a subsidiary will have to give the workers back pay totaling 1,008,302. At the Democratic convention we got some insights into the Clinton campaign8217s line of attack on Donald Trump. While they rightfully intend to confront his racism, sexism and xenophobia, the Clinton campaign also seems prepared to attack Trump8217s 8220budget-busting8221 tax cuts. This is an area where caution would be advised. The basic story is that, in the usual Republican tradition, Trump wants to give huge tax cuts targeted primarily to the wealthy. According to calculations from the Tax Policy Center of the Urban Institute and the Brookings Institution, these tax cuts will cost 9.5 trillion in lost revenue over the next decade before accounting for interest. Of course 9.5 trillion is a REALLY BIG NUMBER, and you can often scare people with really big numbers. But if we want to be serious about matters, we need to put this number in some context. The Congressional Budget Office projects that over the next decade, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) will be roughly 240 trillion. That means that the amount of revenue lost due to Donald Trump8217s tax cuts plan will be just under 4 percent of GDP. Given that we now spend 3.5 percent of GDP on the military, this is real money. This essay documents Hillary Clintons history and record as an agent of Wall Street, war, racial violence and inequity, economic inequality and conservative ideology. While Clintons early Republican Party history is well documented, it is unfair to judge her (or anyone) based on the political views of her youth. Like Clinton, all people are heavily influenced by the beliefs and values of their parents, local communities, religion, cultural and social identities as well as U. S. dominant culture. Based on various factors, many people with conservative backgrounds are able to develop progressive and humanistic world views over time based on personal struggle, a capacity for empathy, and an expanded sense of consciousness through education and life experience. None of this appears to have happened for Hillary Clinton. Instead, she stayed the course as she and her husband pioneered the New Democrat (Centrist Democrats) movement and steered the party toward a neoliberal Third Way (dogmatic free-market and moderately liberal social policies). Yet, when it comes to the Clintons, many of their social policy positions are also distinctly conservative. The decline of independent nighttime venues in London threatens to render this 17 million project useless. Eight years after the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, the economy is doing much better in many important ways. We have now seen almost 80 straight months of job growth, unemployment is down below 5 percent and some numbers suggest that wages are ticking upwards, however slowly. But make no mistake: The next crash is coming. It8217s not a question of 8220if.8221 It8217s a question of 8220when.8221 And that8217s because the underlying cause of the 2008 crisis is still with us today 8212 the economy is too financialized. AstroTurf/Lobbying/Politics They want to return to business as usual because many of them make their bread on that business working for big corporations, Wall Street, or wealthy individuals as political consultants, lobbyists, corporate lawyers, government-relations specialists, public-relations specialists, trade association staff, and paid experts. In a Gallup poll taken in mid-July, before the conventions, 82 percent said America was on the wrong track. Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate running for President against Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, announced Monday that she has selected Ajamu Baraka, a human-rights activist and intellectual, as her prospective Vice President. Stein, a doctor turned politician who also ran for the countrys highest office in 2012, described Baraka as an activist, writer, intellectual and organizer with a powerful voice, vision, and lifelong commitment to building true political revolution in a statement. Bernie Sanders may have endorsed Hillary Clinton, praised Hillary Clinton, and urged his supporters to vote for Hillary Clinton, but it seems even the maverick Vermont senator has been unable to convince his fans, many of whom say they are planning to cast their ballot for the Green party candidate Jill Stein instead on 8 November. Support for Stein, who won 469,501 votes as the Green party nominee in 2012, was impossible to escape at the Democratic national convention last week. Inside the Walls Fargo Center, some Sanders delegates dressed in green and wore Green party pins. Outside the hall, hundreds of Sanders supporters in Philadelphia to demonstrate against Clintons nomination attended a Green party rally at which Stein accused the Democratic party of derailing Sanders campaign. Vanessa Perez was among the protesters outside the Wells Fargo arena. Originally a Sanders supporter, she plans to vote for Stein in November and will canvass for the presumptive Green party nominee over the next three months. Ajamu Barakaan is an activist known for fighting for Black and Indigenous rights in the U. S. and abroad. Presumptive Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein announced Monday that Ajamu Baraka will be her vice presidential running mate. Jill Stein, the Green Partys presumptive presidential nominee, has chosen human rights activist Ajamu Baraka as her running mate. Baraka was founding executive director of the U. S. Human Rights Network and coordinator of the U. S.-based Black Left Unity Networks Committee on International Affairs. Hes served on boards of several human rights organizations, including Amnesty International (USA) and the National Center for Human Rights Education. Hes also served on boards of the Center for Constitutional Rights Africa Action Latin American Caribbean Community Center Diaspora Afrique and the Mississippi Workers Center for Human Rights. In his strongest denunciation of Donald J. Trump so far, President Obama on Tuesday said Mr. Trump was unfit to serve as president and urged the leaders of the Republican Party to withdraw their backing for his candidacy. Mr. Obama said the Republican criticisms of Mr. Trump ring hollow if the partys leaders continue to support his bid for the presidency this fall, particularly in light of Republican criticisms of Mr. Trump for his attacks on the Muslim parents of an American soldier, Humayun Khan, who died in Iraq. The question they have to ask themselves is: If you are repeatedly having to say in very strong terms that what he has said is unacceptable, why are you still endorsing him Mr. Obama said at a news conference at the White House. Mr. Obama said that in addition to Mr. Trumps comments about the Khan family, the Republican nominee had demonstrated that he was woefully unprepared to do this job. The president said Mr. Trump lacked knowledge about Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Last week at the Democratic National Convention, one of the most powerful speeches came from Khizr Khan, the father of a U. S. soldier who died serving in Iraq in 2004. Onstage in Philadelphia, Khan asked Donald Trump whether hed ever read the U. S. Constitution, and he offered Trump his own copy. In response, Trump attacked Khizrs wife, Ghazala Khan, who appeared onstage alongside her husband. Trumps comments sparked widespread outrageincluding from the Khans themselves, who denounced Donald Trump, saying he is 8220totally unfit for the leadership of this country.8221 For more, we speak with Farhana Khera, executive director of Muslim Advocates. Presumptive Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein has chosen her vice-presidential running mate: human rights scholar and activist Ajamu Baraka. Baraka is presently a fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies. He is the founding executive director of the U. S. Human Rights Network. The Green Partys presidential convention begins on Thursday in Houston, Texas. For the fourth straight day of the Democratic convention, Im sitting in the California delegate section, anxiously taking in the start of the final nights program. In a couple of hours, Hillary Clinton will finally accept her nomination as the first female presidential nominee, breaking the glass ceiling. It will be a historic exclamation point for women and the country at large the red, white and blue balloons are in flag formation on the ceiling, ready to drop the whole stadium is vibrating with excitement. Just as I am settling in, I feel a nudge on my shoulder and then my neighbor, a 20-something, blond girl in jeans and a neon green Bernie Sanders Enough is Enough T-shirt, points to a newly installed, gray, speaker-type thing on the wall behind us. This contraption definitely wasnt there yesterday. My fellow California Sanders delegate explains that its a white noise machineinstalled last night to drown out our sections chanting. Wow, I think, I really am in the eye of the storm. Yes indeed, there cant be any more appropriate symbol of this choreographed and sanitized convention than the foreboding, dull-gray piece of supposed suppressive technology humming 10 feet above me. Hillary Clinton has been long enough in politics that she has her own independent track record, as secretary of state, as a warmonger and as a lobbyist-in-chief for big business and for multibillionaire interests. I dont see how we can, in any honesty, expect a woman who takes, you know, a quarter of a million dollars for every speech that she makes to Goldman Sachs, you know, who has been a rapacious factor in the global economic crisis, as somebody who will represent the interests of ordinary people. But I think, you know, again, we need to move away from an individualized and personalized narrative of politics to the larger context in which all of this is happening. The real problem here is not just her, but the fact that the Democratic Party and the establishment that controls it has a long track record of a systematic betrayal of the interests of working people and, you know, not to mention war abroad. Once again, fear is being ramped up to manipulate progressive voters into voting for what they do not want, Hillary Clinton, instead of someone who represents their values. The fear of Trump is the card being played this year and to justify it people are being told that Gore lost to Bush in 2000 because of third party candidates. One of the most effective pieces of political propaganda in this century has been the Nader Myth, which says that Al Gore lost in 2000 because Ralph Nader ran for president. This myth is repeated by many Democratic Party operatives and people in the media, who are essentially serving as Democratic Party spokespersons. Since the Democratic Partys method of convincing people to vote for Hillary Clinton is fear of Trump, people should be prepared with the facts around the 2000 election so they can dispel the Nader Myth. Ben Jealous Calls for the Facts, Then Ignores Them One recent example was Ben Jealous, the former Sanders supporter who has endorsed Hillary Clinton and, as a result, got a spot on the stage at the Democratic National Convention. He debated Jill Stein, the Green Party presidential candidate, on Democracy Now and brought up the Nader Myth, saying: Censorship/Free Speech If you went to that website, for at least a little while, Remove Your Media was posting full details of people who filed counternotices to some of its DMCA takedowns. These postings made no effort whatsoever to redact personal information such as emails and phone numbers (TorrentFreak has an image where it redacted the info itself). The 8220point8221 that Remove Your Media is so weakly trying to make is that there is a tiny group of copyright extremists who think that Lumen / Chilling Effects is itself a source of piracy because in posting DMCA notices, it leaves the links that copyright holders are demanding be taken down (it8217s noteworthy that Lumen does redact personal information, though). Of course, these are apples to oranges differences. The reason that Lumen leaves up those links is because the whole point of Lumen is to act as a clearinghouse of data for people to understand how the DMCA is used. And, in fact, it8217s been an invaluable tool for us and other researchers in finding examples of DMCA abuse. That would be significantly more difficult if the links in the notices were redacted. In fact, it would take away nearly all of the value of the database. The world has seen enough of Anurag Kashyap v/s Censorship battles. Anurag Kashyap8217s films have faced Censor board8217s axe a couple of times but he has always fought till the end to make sure that his films reflect his originality. Every couple of years as the Olympics gears up again, we end up posting a series of stories about massive bullshit overclaims by the Olympics concerning trademark law. And none of it is actually about what trademark law allows. It8217s all about the Olympics8217 weird infatuation with making sure no company that doesn8217t give them a ton of money first can 8220associate8221 with the Olympics. Again, that8217s not how trademark law actually works, but few companies are willing to stand up to the International Olympic Committee or the US Olympic Committee. This year, the crackdown seems even more ridiculous than usual, with letters being sent to companies who are helping and sponsoring athletes stating that, unless they8217re official sponsors with the US Olympic Committee, they can8217t even tweet anything mentioning the Olympics. Companies that had sponsored athletes were being forced to blur out or delete social media posts about their own athletes because their racing bibs said 8220Olympics8221 on them. The Opposition Bloc party has demanded the Ukrainian authorities heed conclusions made by the international community about corruption, justice system and freedom of speech in Ukraine and stop political prosecution of the opposition. 8220Ukraine remains a non-free country dominated by corruption, censorship, and where there is no fair justice. High-profile murders of journalists and opposition figures still haven8217t been properly investigated and resolved. Attacks of political radicals on the offices of mass media have become usual practice,8221 the party said in a statement published on Tuesday. Donald Trump has a pretty complicated relationship with the press. On one hand, the Republican nominee knows the value of free media at least part of his meteoric rise to the top of the ticket can be attributed to the billions of dollars worth of free media he8217s received throughout his campaign. On the other hand, he routinely bullies and berates journalists for pointing out his least favorite thing (the truth), and occasionally gets off mocking reporters with disabilities and/or vaginas. Given Trumps troubling treatment of the press throughout the primaries (when he first floated the idea of 8220opening up8221 libel laws to increase his ability to sue reporters), its no surprise that the relationship has grown even more turbulent since he became the official candidate of the Grand Old Party and brought on VP pick Mike Pence. Here are some of the more egregious attacks the Trump/Pence campaign has waged against the press. Facebook has temporarily blocked talk-radio host Michael Savage from posting stories to his page after he put up a link to a story about a Muslim migrant killing a pregnant woman in Germany. A message from the social media giant on Savages page said: You recently posted something that violates Facebook policies, so youre temporarily blocked from using this feature. A mural of a scantily-clad Hillary Clinton created by an Australian artist was briefly changed into a Muslim woman dressed in a niqab, following a complaint by the local council. However, the latest makeover also left the authorities unimpressed. Privacy/Surveillance However a core principle of Wikileaks is that it should publish all information it receives without vetting its suitability. The organization responded by suggesting that Snowden was trying to woo Hillary Clinton for an official pardon, (meaning he could return to the US,) arguing that opportunism wont earn you a pardon from Clinton 038 curation is not censorship of ruling party clash flows. NSA certifies Raytheon encryption Ed: Cross-pollination with the military-industrial complex. implicating the Internet What Europe Got Wrong About the NSA Ed: CFR is shaming Europe into mass surveillance NSA Director Rogers On DNC Hacking, Cyberwarfare And ISIS Ed: Funded by plutocrats like Bill Gates, NPR gives the NSA a propaganda platform Adm. Michael Rogers, director of the National Security Agency, and NPR8217s Mary Louise Kelly talk about the state of cybersecurity, the recent hacking into Democratic Party systems and ISIS strategy. In a move that sounds like something from the pages of Nineteen Eighty-Four, Disney World is developing new foot-tracking technology that would allow it to follow customers around its attractions. The Walt Disney Company, owner of the Disney theme parks, has secured a patent for the system, which would scan and photograph customers shoes and allow park authorities to track punters through the Magic Kingdom. Civil Rights/Policing An algorithm is deciding certain criminal defendants should spend more time in prison. And that determination can8217t be fully challenged because the code belongs to a private company which provides the software to the government. Eric Loomis was determined to be a 8220high risk8221 defendant, based on something called a 8220COMPAS score.8221 COMPAS 8212 Criminal Offender Management Profiling for Alternative Sanctions 8212 cranks out Presentence Investigation Reports for use in the courtroom, utilizing a number of factors to generate a score that lets judges know how likely the defendant is to re-offend. The problems with this system are numerous. For one, the code is proprietary, so defendants aren8217t allowed to examine the factors that lead to this determination, unlike other sentencing guidelines created by the government, which are open to the public to examine. More than 50 organizations representing people of color across the United States on Monday put forth what they say is their 8220shared vision of the world we want to live in,8221 in the form of a comprehensive policy document that calls for nothing short of 8220a complete transformation of the current system.8221 8220In recent years we have taken to the streets, launched massive campaigns, and impacted elections, but our elected leaders have failed to address the legitimate demands of our Movement. We can no longer wait,8221 reads the platform, published by the Movement for Black Lives (M4BL), which is a coalition of groups including Color of Change, Dream Defenders, Black Lives Matter Network, Highlander Research and Education Center, Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, and many others. Voting rights advocates have won a number of major victories that could reshape the November election. Over the past 10 days, a series of court rulings have struck down new voting restrictions in North Carolina, Wisconsin, Kansas and Texas. In North Carolina, judge Diana Motz wrote, 8220We cannot ignore the recent evidence that, because of race, the legislature enacted one of the largest restrictions of the franchise in modern North Carolina history. Meanwhile in Wisconsin, U. S. District Judge James Peterson also struck down a voting rights law, writing that the objective of the law was to 8220suppress the reliably Democratic vote of Milwaukees African Americans.8221 A week earlier, the U. S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit struck down a Texas law which has been described as the nations most restrictive voter ID law. For more, we speak with Ari Berman, senior contributing writer for The Nation, where he covers voting rights. Bermans recent piece for The Nation is called 8220The Countrys Worst Anti-Voting Law Was Just Struck Down in North Carolina.8221 The global watchdog organization Amnesty International says it has received 8220credible evidence8221 that the Turkish state under the rule of President Recep Tayyip Erdoan is committing mass torture 8212 including rape 8212 in a crackdown following an alleged coup attempt. 8220Amnesty International has credible reports that Turkish police in Ankara and Istanbul are holding detainees in stress positions for up to 48 hours, denying them food, water and medical treatment, and verbally abusing and threatening them,8221 the organization reported on Sunday. 8220In the worst cases some have been subjected to severe beatings and torture, including rape.8221 Basing its findings on anonymous interviews with lawyers, doctors and 8220a person on duty in a detention facility,8221 Amnesty International continued: 8220Detainees are being arbitrarily held, including in informal places of detention. They have been denied access to lawyers and family members and have not been properly informed of the charges against them, undermining their right to a fair trial.8221 Internet Policy/Net Neutrality If at first you don8217t succeed, try to waste everybody8217s time in perpetuity. That8217s apparently the plan of the broadband industry, which has formally unveiled its latest attempt to kill U. S. net neutrality rules and the FCC8217s reclassification of ISPs as common carriers under Title II of the Telecom Act. As leaks had suggested, multiple broadband providers and trade organizations have requested an en banc review from the full 9-member DC Circuit Court of Appeals in the hopes of overturning last June8217s massive FCC legal win. Posted in Deception. Patents at 9:45 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz Some, including Adam Mossoff, are associated with Conservative think tanks 1. 2 Summary . In the face of a system that is so abusive and unjust, the above academics oppose a reform that would limit the reach of Eastern District of Texas, capital of patent trolls T ITLES can be misleading. They don8217t say much about a person8217s affiliation or integrity and when universities are privately-owned and funded by large corporations it8217s not enough to interpret the title 8220professor8221 as an instant legitimiser or indication of impartiality. There are still academics who promote GMOs, for example, but many are funded (one way or another, directly or indirectly) by the likes of Monsanto. It8217s a lucrative business with billions of dollars at stake throwing some corporate money at universities is ordinary practice, more so in the US than in Europe (where the EPO even pays academic publishers to print what EPO marketers write). This week, Patently-O wrote about 822028 Law Professors8221 (the term Professor does not mean in the US what it means in the rest of the world, some are just lecturers or RAs) and said they they sent a letter to politicians. 8220The new letter,8221 according to Professor Dennis Crouch (who does not agree with them), 8220argues that the venue limiting proposals are basically serving as a mechanism of weakening the power of patent holders: The reality is that the major proponents of changing the venue rules are primarily large high-tech companies and retailers with an online presence sued in the Eastern District of Texas that would rather litigate in a small number of more defendant-friendly jurisdictions.8221 Well, obviously. Put another way, those who oppose patent trolls want their cesspool, the Eastern District of Texas, to stop its madness. The Eastern District of Texas openly promotes its bias and hopes to promote litigation this way. Esto no es aceptable. It does not help innovators, it merely hurts them. What kind of academics support such a system What does that say about such academics and the institutions that pay their salaries 8220The District of Massachusetts ruled that Limelight Networks did not infringe, but one decade later (and millions of dollars in legal fees) there is an outcome that has been favourable mostly to patent lawyers. How typical8221 Blockstream, says a new article by Mike Masnick, 8220Promises Not To Abuse Patents8221 even though it hasnt got patents. 8220Over the years,8221 he writes, 8220we8217ve discussed various examples of tech companies taking a stand against patent abuse. That is, in lieu of actual patent reform to fix a broken system, some companies are doing things on their own (we even had a podcast discussing a bunch of examples). One of my personal favorites was Twitter8217s Innovator8217s Patent Agreement which effectively lets the named inventors on the patent issue their own licenses to undermine trolls should the patents ever fall into trollish hands. Think of it as something of a poison pill to make the patents worth a lot less to pure trolls. One of the tricks though has been convincing smaller startups to take some of these steps 8212 even the license on transfer network, which is sort of a no brainer for startups. So it8217s good to see, as pointed out by EFF, that Blockstream, a fascinating company in the blockchain space that employs a ton of super smart people, take a big commitment to be a good player in the patent realm.8221 Perhaps Blockstream has some impending patents and is preparing for backlash when the public finds out about it. Still, what happens if Blockstream gets bought by some hostile company along with its patents Or worse: what is the patents are sold to trolls Will the pledge still be applicable It8217s quite chaotic out there as one single company can be compelled to pay 54 million in 8216damages8217 over one single patent, as per the Supreme Court 8216s ruling in this case ( Akamai v Limelight Networks ). To quote MIP: 8220Limelight Networks has entered into a settlement agreement with Akamai Technologies to end the longstanding battle over a global hosting patent. The settlement converts the 51 million judgment into a 54 million license that will be paid in 12 equal quarterly installments starting August 1.8221 Where does all of that money go Surely not R038D. Limelight Networks is based in Arizona and the plaintiff/s included MIT, which produces no products and enjoys funding from taxpayers. The District of Massachusetts ruled that Limelight Networks did not infringe, but one decade later (and millions of dollars in legal fees) there is an outcome that has been favourable mostly to patent lawyers. How typical Even East Texas, which advertises itself as plaintiff - and troll-friendly. might not tolerate software patents for much longer Summary . Examining some of the latest software patents that make this week8217s headlines and what we can learn from these S OFTWARE patents are dying in the US, owing largely to 101 (post - Alice ). Patent lawyers, as expected, are in denial about it (misleading customers in order to maintain demand) and there is a new article today/this week about 101 analysis. Mentioned therein is a 8220conclusion that the claims at issue fail to meet the standard for patent eligibility under 101.8221 8220The significance of this outcome is that once again (as before) we see software patents 8212 once challenged enough, scrutinised properly and reassessed sufficiently 8212 falling short.8221 The de facto ban on 8220abstract8221 software patents (that ought to cover all software patents) does not deter everyone, especially not deep-pocketed companies which simply hoard thousands (if not tens of thousands of patents) and then cross-license or shake down companies in bulk . According to dozens of news reports from yesterday (e. g. 1. 2. 3 ), Amazon continues to patent software (this patent for audio surveillance) and today we learn that Disney tries patenting foot surveillance in parks. Talk about lack of ethics8230 Amazon has pushed software patents as far as Europe in spite of the clear exclusions . The significance of this outcome is that once again (as before) we see software patents 8212 once challenged enough, scrutinised properly and reassessed sufficiently 8212 falling short. Time to leave East Texas for a balanced venue It8217s probably a waste of time (and money) trying to assert these patents in a court of law, especially against large companies that can afford to withstand/endure lots of motions and appeals. That8217s why the main victims of software patents (and patent trolls) are small businesses they would often settle rather than risk the high cost of never-ending legal proceedings. The SCO case has gone on for 13 years because IBM can afford this and SCO, whose only remaining existence is this one case, goes to the grave ( well past bankruptcy) in a desperate effort to extract some money (much like VirnetX). Resumen . The patent microcosm has reached the verge of the pathetic with its attacks on the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB), which is invalidating software patents and other abstract patents at a high pace (correcting the mistakes of the grant-happy Patent Office) P TAB, an integral part of AIA, is incredibly popular among practicing professionals, unlike beaurocrats like lawyers who make money out of feuds (not production). A self-described 8220IP lawyer8221, writing about Cuozzo 1. 2. 3. 4 for the EPO 8216s mouthpiece, demonises PTAB using the typical characterisation (8220attacks8221, 8220kills8221, 8220death squad8221) in the piece 8220PTAB licence to kill renewed8221 (what next Will they call the Boards of Appeals too 8220death squads8221 and help Battistelli demolish these obstructions to rubber-stamping or 8220productivity8221 as Battistelli refers to rubber-stamping) and a patent attorney who is afraid of PTAB (and uses similar characterisations on a daily basis) says that 8220CAFC8217s EPG decision contrary to Diamond v Diehr-alarm activated is invalid under 101 (EPG) vs mold door opened. is valid (Diamond)8221 (invalid under 101, as is usually the case these days). 8220Reports of software patents dying at CAFC or PTAB can be found every week (if not every day) because software patents are a dying breed in the US, thanks primarily to Alice .8221 Speaking of CAFC, Patently-O writes about it this week in relation to definiteness standard. It says that 8220the Patent Act requires that claims be written in a way that particularly points out and distinctly claims the subject matter which the inventor. regards as the invention. 35 U. S.C. 112(a). In Nautilus . the Supreme Court held that a patent claim survives this test only if it provides reasonable certainty as to the scope and bounds of the invention.8221 Sloppy patent applications are bound to incur the Supreme Court8217s (SCOTUS) wrath and one has to wonder how many shoddy patents that USPTO examiners let through the sieve are basically a worthless piece of paper. It is apparent that many software patents are no longer valid, whether they8217re actually being challenged or not. Their value is close to zilch. CAFC 8216s changing tune after SCOTUS ruled on Alice is noteworthy. We wrote about Diamond v Diehr many times over the years, e. g. 1. 2. 3. 4 . Reports of software patents dying at CAFC or PTAB can be found every week (if not every day) because software patents are a dying breed in the US, thanks primarily to Alice . Posted in Europe. Patents at 7:45 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz In the face of Brexit, despite the obvious barriers it creates, Team UPC (a conspiracy of patent lawyers looking to gain from the UPC and standing to profit at Europe8217s expense) stubbornly lobbies the UK8217s government Reference . Waterboarding 8220Photo from a protest against waterboarding, on the occasion of Condoleezza Rice8217s visit to Iceland, by Campaign Against Military Bases. Condoleezza Rice was invited to the protest and to try waterboarding for herself but as she didn8217t show some volunteers tried it out for themselves.8221 ( Credit . Karl Gunnarsson) Summary . The European public, and even those beyond or outside the EU, are subjected to deep-throating tactics by the patent microcosm (militaryindustrial complex equivalent), which is force-feeding everyone a system which serves nobody other than large (usually foreign) corporations, patent trolls, and of course their lawyers T HE EPO has not mentioned the UPC for weeks. The European media has not mentioned it for quite a while, either. Why Because it8217s dying. They know it they almost gave up. Patent lawyers and their convenient little cartel. on the other hand, pressure the British government and hope to shame it into ratifying the UPC without discussion, without public consent and without even assessing the post-Brexit situation. This morning MIP published a UPC 8220progress sic report8221 and said in its summary: 8220Protocol on Privileges and Immunities of the UPC signed IP community puts pressure on the UK government Preparatory Committee and Select Committee to continue with final preparations8221 (preparation for nothing, just pretense and self-fulfilling prophecy attempts). 8220There are sadly not enough (little or none) sites that explain to the public what the UPC would mean to producing actors (like European SMEs), except few conglomerates that lobby for the UPC and sneakily hijack the voices of Europeans.8221 These people8217s disdain for democracy is utterly contemptible. From start to finish the UPC has been an attempt to steal democracy and ram down people8217s throats an undesirable system. There8217s even 8216roadkill8217 inside the EPO (like those resisting Battistelli8217s EPO plot) and we are surprised that not more people speak out against the UPC (perhaps because they don8217t understand it well enough, if at all ). MIP says: 8220The Protocol on Privileges and Immunities of the UPC is an important legal instrument which safeguards the function of the UPC in the participating member states. The Protocol has now been signed by 13 member states excluding the UK, whose acceptance is required before it can enter into force.8221 Last month we wrote about the role played by Battistellis ally Lucy Neville-Rolfe and it would be a shameful disgrace if she was allowed to interfere in the process (it is not unthinkable). In a new edition of IAM8217s 8216magazine8217 there is this article titled 8220Brexit leaves the UPC in limbo and thats no bad thing8221 (behind paywall). The editor has already stated, repeatedly, that it can take years (it not forever) for UPC to happen. He said this after he had spent years pushing for the UPC. Another article about this alluded to the piece behind the paywall, in which it8217s summarised as follows. 8220The United Kingdoms recent vote to leave the European Union is likely to have a significant impact on IP management strategies in Europe some of which are explored in the Insight section but what it wont do is curb the growing enthusiasm that European patent owners are showing for the monetisation of their rights. Anders Arvidsson, Keith Woomer and Lucia Alvarado take a look at the current state of play in various European industries and predict how things may develop over the coming years. For anyone seeking to understand the dynamics of what is a highly complex market, this is essential reading.8221 As one might expect, coming from a highly biased site that is funded in part by patent trolls and in this case composed by professional patent boosters, the analysis is more optimistic than elsewhere. There are sadly not enough (little or none) sites that explain to the public what the UPC would mean to producing actors (like European SMEs ), except few conglomerates that lobby for the UPC and sneakily hijack the voices of Europeans. Posted in News Roundup at 6:42 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz For the first few years of Android8217s existence, the stock browser was a WebKit-based affair that was only updated when the OS was. Now, Chrome ships on nearly all Android phones and tablets, and it8217s updated at near light speed via the Play Store. It8217s gotten a lot better over the years, but many of the best features are not immediately apparent, and a few need to be toggled on. Here8217s what you need to know to get the most out of Chrome on Android. The best role models for any cause, open source or otherwise, are people you would admire even if they didnt support your cause. In other words, your support of open source will be more meaningful if you strive to be a good person. Most developers arent impressed by the ease of use of wireless protocols they were originally invented by large corporations and heavily patented, which blocked individual developers from innovation. You had to have very deep pockets to bring any alternative to market. Networking hardware vendor TP-Link today admitted violating US radio frequency rules by selling routers that could operate at power levels higher than their approved limits. In a settlement with the Federal Communications Commission, TP-Link agreed to pay a 200,000 fine, comply with the rules going forward, and to let customers install open source firmware on routers. The open source requirement is a unique one, as it isn8217t directly related to TP-Link8217s violation. Moreover, FCC rules don8217t require router makers to allow loading of third-party, open source firmware. In fact, recent changes to FCC rules made it more difficult for router makers to allow open source software. My son is 14 today and for his birthdayin addition to a bicycle, a basketball, and a T-shirt with an obscurely offensive imageI am giving him the gift of privacy. And I am giving him this gift because of Snowden. Está bien. Edward Snowden, NSA whistleblower and hero to some, traitor to others, has changed not only the way I view privacy but also the way I view my teens privacy and the way I safeguard itfrom myself. When Snowdens revelations about mass government surveillance made headlines in 2013, Ilike many other Americanswas shocked and disturbed. The PRISM program, in which the communications of millions of Americans were collected and stored by the government, without warrant or probable cause, seemed to violate the Constitutions Fourth Amendment, which prohibits warrantless search and seizure. The argument that the innocent should have nothing to fear from such programs rang hollow to me and many others in post-McCarthy-era America. Then in March, as part of research on another story I am writing, I listened to a live conversation on privacy between Snowden, constitutional lawyer and co-founder of The Intercept Glen Greenwald and historian and linguist Noam Chomsky. Civil Rights/Policing According to the Associated Press, roughly 50 police officers and their supporters rallied to protest a Black Lives Matter (BLM) banner that has been hanging outside City Hall in the predominantly white and historically working class Boston suburb of Somerville for a year. The primarily Caucasian haters of the banner chanted All lives matter, Take it down, and Cops lives matter It was part of the Blue Lives Matter movement. According to the president of the Somerville Police Employees Association, the banner sends an exclusionary message and implies that Somerville police officers are somehow responsible for racially motivated decision-making against minorities. A local white firefighter claimed that BLM had become almost synonymous with killing cops. Hes talking the line taken by the decrepit white supremacist Rudolph Guliani (a close Donald Trump ally and adviser) on FOX News. But BLM is almost synonymous with killing cops only in the minds of people who cant differentiate between a civil rights movement two lone gunmen. Yes, two mentally unhinged Black military veterans one in Dallas and one in Baton Rouge got pushed over the edge by recent videos of Black men being senselessly killed by white police officers. And yes, the ongoing epidemic of such shootings is what drove the rise of BLM. But, no, BLM activists have never advocated killing cops. They have gone to great lengths to distance themselves from such actions. The ALCU have announced that Chelsea Manning is facing disciplinary action at the military prison where she is serving her 35 year sentence. Incredibly, the military is seeking to punish Chelsea in connection with her attempt to take her own life on 5 July this year. We have written previously about how officials at Fort Leavenworth abused Chelseas rights by informing the media about her medical issues before her family, friends or legal team. Chelsea has dictated details of her charge sheet to a supporter over the phone. If convicted of these administrative charges, Chelsea potentially faces penalties including indefinite solitary confinement and reclassification out of general population, with all of the social and communicative restrictions that implies. Her chances of being granted parole may also be impacted. Sadly, women are anything but 8220equal8221 under Islam 8212 and the Quran is supposed to be the words of Allah, brought by the Angel Gabriel to Mohammed. It is thus to be followed unquestioningly and not interpreted as a historical document. (Christians are not going around slaughtering their neighbors for adultery.) Sykes8217 wife woke him up and he went into the living room. At that point, according to longtime family friend and attorney Rich Kaser, Sykes looked out through the French doors leading to a deck where he saw the shadow of a person outside. Kaser said Sykes went back into his bedroom and got his shotgun. Sykes 8220felt intruders were trying to get in and he was yelling to his wife to call 911,8221 Kaser said. What happened next is subject of investigation. Authorities say two state troopers had come to the home after mistakenly being told it was the location of a 911 hang-up call. According to authorities, shots were exchanged. One trooper fired four times and Sykes fired his shotgun once. The story of how Ensaf Haidar first encountered her husband, Raif Badawi, is an unusual version of meeting cute. In 2000, Ms. Haidar was a cloistered young woman studying the Quran in a small town in Saudi Arabia, where she lived with her family and rarely interacted with men. It all started with an accidental meeting. Ms. Haidar was using a borrowed phone and mistakenly returned a call from Mr. Badawi. At first she hung up, but he called back, and kept calling. Over time she gave in, leading to a secret, phone-based romance and eventually, marriage. Now, 16 years later, the couples romance endures under extraordinary circumstances across thousands of miles, through prison walls and against the backdrop of an international fight over freedom of expression. Mr. Badawi, 32, has been in prison in Saudi Arabia since 2012, serving a 10-year sentence for creating and posting in an online forum called Free Saudi Liberals Network. He was also sentenced to 1,000 lashes, delivered 50 at a time. The first flogging was carried out in a public square in January 2017, provoking an international outcry. A despondent Ms. Haidar watched a cellphone video of the flogging that circulated online. The second one has been postponed many times. Hungarys prime minister Viktor Orban said every single migrant represents a public security and terror risk and made clear his country refuses to accept the quota system that the EU Commission tries to impose. Orban, speaking after hosting a meeting with Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern, said Hungary is willing to take back some migrants from Austria under European rules, but would then return them to their countries of origin, mostly Kosovo and Albania Orban made it clear that Hungary would take back only those migrants who first entered the European Union by registering in Hungary, in accordance with the so-called Dublin asylum rules. The return of migrants, like those from the Middle East who entered the EU through Greece, would be rejected. In total, three Acehnese couples were sentenced to receive public lashes for violating Sharia law in a brutal new crackdown in the region. Under the law men and women, who are not spouses, are not allowed to get too close due to the 8216khalwat8217 offence 8211 and punishment is by public caning. Slow-motion video replays of crimes shown in courtrooms may be distorting the outcomes of trials, according to a US study. Researchers found that slowing down footage of violent acts caused viewers to see greater intent to harm than when viewed at normal speed. Viewing a killing only in slow motion made a jury three times more likely to convict of first degree murder. The research has been published in the journal PNAS. The importance of video evidence in courtrooms has grown in tandem with its supply in recent years. As well as the mountains of smartphone recordings, CCTV also routinely captures assaults, robberies and even murders. Some police officers even wear on-body cameras. Courts all over the world are willing to accept these recordings in evidence and they are sometimes shown in slow motion, to help juries make up their minds about what really happened within the often chaotic environment of a crime scene. The rise of extremist armed groups such as the Islamic State and Boko Haram has brought renewed attention to the plight of childrenboth as victims of abuses, and as fighters and militants. All too often, the concern and assistance governments offer abuse victims does not extend to those children caught up on the wrong side of the law or front line. Human Rights Watch field research around the world increasingly finds that in countries embroiled in civil strife or armed conflict, state security forces arrest and detain children for reasons of national security. Often empowered by new counterterrorism legislation, they apprehend children who are linked to non-state armed groups or who pose other perceived security threats, and often hold them without charge or trial for months or even years. Their treatment and conditions of detention frequently violate international legal standards. What kind of US government would pay two US psychologists 81 million to help the CIA devise torture techniques huffingtonpost/2014/12/09/cia-torture-contractorsn6296758.html Only a lawless government with no respect for US law and international law. Following Gold Star father Khizr Khans powerful speech at the Democratic convention last week, sales of pocket Constitutions have skyrocketed. But the edition topping Amazons charts right up there with the new Harry Potter book comes with annotations and right-wing commentary from Glenn Becks favorite conspiracy theorist. Let me ask you: have you even read the United States Constitution I will gladly lend you my copy, Khan said last week in Philadelphia, pulling his edition out of his pocket. In this document, look for the words liberty and equal protection of law. But the version that Amazon is touting as a best-seller is not the one Khan held up. And readers looking for those words in the edition there will be misled. Its published by the National Center for Constitutional Studies, a fringe Mormon group focused on teaching a fundamentalist interpretation of the founding documents. The Washington Post, Forbes, the Associated Press, the Wall Street Journal, and PBS NewsHour have all noted the extraordinary popularity the NCCS version is enjoying on Amazon but all failed to note the editions unusual features. The Post, which is owned by Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, simply described it as having been printed by the nonpartisan National Center for Constitutional Studies Some Amazon shoppers expressed their outrage. One reviewer wrote, please do not get this edition. Another warned: tread with caution. Yet another wrote: Just give me the document our wise forefathers wrote, not a bunch of excess quotes and jargon to convince me they were right. Over 11,000 untested rape kits were found in a Detroit police warehouse in 2009. Some of the kits many containing the DNA of attackers needed for prosecution 8212 were decades old, leaving hundreds of victims without any hope for justice. Detroit is by no means the only city that has faced such a large backlog of rape kits in recent years. Memphis recently uncovered 12,000 Cleveland, 4,000 and Miami, nearly 3,000. On 16th August 1819, some sixty to eighty thousand people assembled in St Peters Field, central Manchester. Men and women, young and old. They had gathered to protest for greater suffrage, and for an end to the Corn Laws that had plunged many into poverty, exacerbating the disastrous effects of the famine ushered in by the Napoleonic Wars. The local magistrates, understandably alarmed, read out the following fifty three words to the few who could hear them over the din: Our sovereign lord the King chargeth and commandeth all persons, being assembled, immediately to disperse themselves, and peaceably to depart to their habitations, or to their lawful business, upon the pains contained in the act made in the first year of King George, for preventing tumults and riotous assemblies. God save the King. This is the infamous Riot Act: a piece of legislation giving local authorities the power to disband groups of twelve or more people, or else. A gesture of slick political magicianship designed to transform a crowd of citizens into a dangerous mob. This particular dangerous mob, of course, did not disperse after the Act was read. So, hundreds of heavily armed militiamen set about the task of preventing tumults and riotous assemblies with swords, with horses and with guns. Fifteen protesters were killed, and hundreds injured. Growing interest in pro bono service among scientists and engineers is generating new opportunities for human rights organizations. When the government told residents of Temacapuln in Mexico thatas a result of dam constructionthey had to leave their homes or they would drown, the community immediately reached out to human rights lawyers. But where could they turn for help understanding the engineering plans and the environmental impact assessments How could they develop alternative proposals in their negotiations with the government Police boast frequently about their own bravery. Where is that vaunted courage when they witness one of their own obviously murder an unarmed civilian We see virtually no bold selflessness in those cases. Instead, our good cops act more like good Germans, silent in the face of blatant lawbreaking by their brothers in blue. The scope of the problem is gargantuan. There are more than eighteen million displaced persons and refugees in Africa, the highest this number has been in history. Eight armed conflicts have begun or intensified since 2010, resulting in a seventeen percent spike in the number of refugees and displaced persons in Sub-Saharan Africa, per UNHCR. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is handing out free, pocket-sized U. S. Constitutions to meet a rising demand after Khizr Khan, father of a Muslim-American soldier killed in action, offered to lend his copy to Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump in an electrifying speech at the Democratic National Convention last week. Internet Policy/Net Neutrality The recent court ruling that upheld the Federal Communications Commission8217s net neutrality rules is still making waves. The rules were upheld after a three-judge panel reviewed them last summer, classifying broadband as a regulated telecommunications service. It8217s that classification that is now at issue again, as trade groups CTIA, USTelecom, the National Cable 038 Telecommunications Association, and the American Cable Association on Friday asked the U. S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit to rehear their challenge to the ruling. Intellectual Monopolies Trademarks It8217s too rare that we see courts get trademark questions right on the merits of actual customer confusion, so it8217s nice to highlight some examples of when they do get it right. It8217s even more fun when the court takes the time to add just a dash of snark and narrow-eyed language into its opinion. Such appears to be the case in an appeals ruling between Florida International University, a public college, and Florida National University, a for-profit institution. FIU sued FNU for trademark infringement and, having lost its initial case, took it to appeal. The claim FIU made is that potential students were confused between the two schools based solely on the similarity of their names. Copyrights The Federal Communications Commission has proposed to break cable and satellite TV companies monopoly over the hardware and software used by their subscribers. Those companies are fighting back hard, probably to preserve the 20 billion in revenue they collect every year from set-top box rental fees. Major TV producers and copyright holders are pushing back too. They want to control how you can search for TV shows and discover new ones, and the order in which shows appear to you. And they want to limit the features of your home and mobile TV setups, like how and when you can control the playback. One tactic these major media companies are using to try to derail the FCCs proposal is to claim that allowing customers to buy pay-TV viewing technology from independent vendors (something that Congress actually ordered the FCC to do way back in 1996) somehow violates principles of copyright law. As we explained to the FCC along with top legal scholars, the plan to break the set-top box monopoly doesnt change copyright law or allow anyone to get pay-TV content without paying for it. But by crying copyright, cable companies and TV producers have rallied opposition to the FCCs plan from some members of Congress, and possibly from the Copyright Office. Its a misleading tactic. Today, TV studios influence the design and features of home video equipment by specifying them as terms in the deals they make with cable companies. The cable companies have to accept those terms because under copyright law, they need permission from major copyright holders (the TV studios) to transmit programming to subscribers. And because cable companies have a monopoly over the technology on the subscribers endthe set-top boxes and apps that can access cable channelsthe TV studios effectively have veto power over that technology. We8217ve dinged Blizzard quite a bit in these pages for acting overly protectionist of its intellectual property in the past. And that dinging has been well deserved, with Blizzard doing things like trying to twist copyright law as a way to combat cheat software within its multiplayer games, to use intellectual property as an excuse to shut down a World of Warcraft vanilla fan-server, and has otherwise not always acted in human or awesome ways towards its own fans. But sometimes, with much kicking and screaming and the insistence of making many a mistake along the way, even a company like Blizzard can manage to do what game companies like DoubleFine have already done: loosen the leash on its own IP and reap the rewards. StarCraft Universe is a fan-made mod that consists of a full new game in a genre that Blizzard had never taken the StarCraft universe into. It8217s no secret that the US Copyright Office has been acting pretty nutty lately. For decades, the office has basically carried the water of the legacy copyright/entertainment industries, but at least they would sometimes try to appear marginally balanced. Now it appears that all caution has been thrown to the wind and the entire office is actively looking to suppress and attack user rights and innovation. In just the past few weeks and months, we8217ve pointed out a series of really bad ideas on reforming the notice-and-takedown safe harbors of the DMCA, a separate plan that would effectively strip tons of websites of their DMCA safe harbors by requiring them to remember to keep re-registering, and a disturbing willingness to totally misrepresent the copyright issues at play with regards to the FCC8217s set-top box proposal. So, perhaps, we shouldn8217t be all that surprised that the Copyright Office appears to be making a move to screw over libraries now, too. Section 108 of the Copyright Act has explicit carve-outs and exemptions for libraries and archivists. These are stronger than fair use, because they are clear exemptions from copyright, rather than fuzzy guidelines that have to be adjudicated in court. Section 108 is super important for libraries and archives (including the Internet Archive). So why does the Copyright Office want to change it That8217s a bit of a mystery in terms of public explanations, but it8217s not hard to take some guesses. The Copyright Office started exploring this issue a few years back, insisting that Section 108 was 8220outdated8221 for the digital age. And while there are many aspects of copyright law that are obsolete for the digital age, the exemptions for libraries and archives were not among them. And everyone let the Copyright Office know that. And8230 the Copyright Office has basically ignored them all. Back in June, the Copyright Office announced via the Federal Register that it was moving forward with putting together recommendations on changing Section 108, and anyone who had comments could 8220schedule meetings in Washington, DC to take place during late June through July 2016.8221 First of all, huh 8220The content in question has been part of the public domain for many years8221 Actually, it has not. As Highsmith noted, she retained the copyright to her images, but rather did a deal with the Library of Congress to make the works available royalty free. It was basically a Creative Commons attribution license before Creative Commons existed. She still retains the copyright. So the images are not public domain. And, uh, even if they were, what a weird claim for Getty to make, because it was a Getty subsidiary that then threatened Highsmith for posting her own images. If Getty now claims it believes the images were in the public domain why was it shaking her down for money This makes no sense at all. Finally, trying to pawn blame off on Alamy is ridiculous. Alamy is a co-defendant in the lawsuit, but LCS and Piscount are both subsidiaries of Getty, and both sent Highsmith letters demanding payment. It8217s almost as if Getty8217s PR people have absolutely no clue what they8217re talking about. Last week Carol Highsmith filed a copyright complaint against Getty Images after an agent threatened the photographer for using her own photograph without their permission. Now Getty is fighting back, warning that it will defend itself vigorously if the dispute can8217t be settled. This week, Pirate Bay founder Peter Sunde reiterated his belief that the pirate scene and its sites will need to innovate and collaborate to stay alive. Intrigued, TF spoke with several players in the torrent scene to see if something like this might emerge sometime soon. The upshot: don8217t hold your breath. Without alerting its users, the team behind the popular BitTorrent client uTorrent has removed the software8217s widely used comment and rating functionality. It8217s unclear why the functionality was stripped, but it8217s possible that spam issues or legal concerns played a role. In what appears to be a retaliatory move against DMCA notice archive Lumen Database, anti-piracy outfit Remove Your Media has launched a transparency report of its own. The report lists people who have sent the company DMCA counter-notices but it goes much further than Lumen by publishing their names, addresses, and telephone numbers. New to This Site Here Are Some Introductory Resources We support

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